Gallon Pricing Program!

For those of you who prefer to stock up, we’re excited to offer bulk pricing on some of our most popular items. Save 20% when you pre-order one or more gallons. Here’s the deal:

gallon pricing table v4.png

* Approximately 142 oz by weight of these products fit in a gallon (128 fl oz) container. 

** Price of hand soap will be dropping soon so we’re giving these bulk orders an advance on the new price.

*** Puracy laundry detergent is very concentrated — use just 1 TBSP for a regular/top loading laundry machine or ½ TBSP for an HE/front loading washing machine. One oz is two tablespoons so the discounted price per load is $0.16 for regular machine or $0.08 for HE machine.

How does the program work?

  1. Order: Visitors can pre-order gallon(s) of Puracy products via our webshop in the week before we place an order with Puracy.

  2. Wait: It takes 6 weeks for the drums to come in and we’ll notify you when they arrive.

  3. Fill: We’ll need to transport the product from where the drums are being stored (not in our tiny space!) to the shop for pick-up so we’ll be in touch to schedule a time for you to bring and fill your gallon(s).

Other FAQs

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So can I order now??

Not right now — ordering is closed until we’re ready to place our next order with Puracy, probably late fall/early winter. Sign up for our email list (on the homepage) to be notified each time pre-ordering opens.

Can I get the pricing discount if I just fill my gallon container at the shop and don’t pre-order?

No, sorry. We want to both provide an opportunity for bulk discount and also make sure we are able to keep product in stock in the shop. When folks refill a gallon+, it throws off our estimates of how much product we need to keep stuff on the shelves! So if you do want to fill a gallon, please pre-order to get the discount.

Do I need to bring my own gallon container or will you provide it?

Ideally bring your own — just make sure it’s clean and dry. Water is a breeding ground for microbes that can contaminate products if they’re not used quickly. If you need a container, we can provide one for $7 (you’ll see the option at check out.)

Can my gallon container still have some old product in it?

We don’t recommend it as a gallon of product will likely be sitting for longer than a small retail amount — would hate for even older product to contaminate all the fresh stuff. Ideally your container is clean AND dry as water creates the perfect environment for bacteria and other microbes to grow over time, even in soap — yuck.

Can I pre-order gallon(s) for my business?

Yes! We’re hoping this program will make it an easier sell for folks to reduce their company’s/workplace’s single-use plastic. 

Which products are available for bulk pricing?

Puracy Dish Soap Lemongrass

Puracy Dish Soap Unscented

Puracy Hand Soap Cucumber Mint

Puracy Hand Soap Lavender Vanilla

Puracy Laundry Detergent Fresh Linen

Puracy Laundry Detergent Unscented

Why are other products not available or bulk pricing?

We’re starting this bulk pricing program with Puracy products because they are the only products we get in refillable 55 gallon drums at this time and they are our most popular (along with dishwasher detergent!) It’s easy for us to add gallons onto these orders while also keeping our waste stream basically the same. If this program is successful and folks like it, we’ll work on expanding to other suppliers!

Have another question? Let us know at

Sarah Levy