
In-Shop Recycling Programs

In certain cases, recycling is a better option than reusing (or the only option!) Here’s what you can bring back to Cleenland to recycle:

Preserve toothbrushes: We will send them back to Preserve to be made into another toothbrush!

razor blades: We will send them back to Albatross Designs (our razor and blade partner!) They are designing new products to use the steel from the blades.

Things we used to take and no longer do:

corks: Please take them to a participating Whole Foods instead! The more we learn about cork recycling the less it makes sense for us to keep collecting corks. It’s not worth it carbon-wise to ship them to processing facilities but we’re not near any. Instead, we can take advantage of one of very few benefits of the insane Amaz*n fulfillment network — Whole Foods collects corks then puts them on empty trucks that are going back to distribution centers anyway to transport the corks in a no-extra-carbon way. We know these ones take ‘em: river street cambridge, beacon street somerville, & south end boston.