Cleenland is…

A low-waste, no shame store. Come as you are, hang out, make one change at a time, or don’t. No one is perfect and no one expects you to be.


Inclusive. Cleenland is for everyone. We have products for different hair types and skin sensitivities. If we’re missing something, let us know — really! Tell us IRL or use our digital suggestion box.

Full of the good stuff only. We’ve tried nearly everything in the store and done our homework to ensure the products we curate are free of particularly nasty stuff, full list is here. All ingredients are listed on the back side of product signs.

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Keeping the big picture in view. In addition to helping our community reduce waste, there are lots of other issues that matter to us too and they inform how we run shit. We work with companies who treat their employees well and are thoughtful about their supply chain. We are always looking for more local, POC-, womxn-, cooperatively-owned businesses to stock. (Another plug for the suggestion box!)

Open to new information. It’s all complicated. Lots of compromises and trade-offs are required to exist in the current system. Constant learning and re-evaluation ensure we’re always doing the best we can. Let’s talk about it.

Sarah Levy’s labor of love. *waves* Hi there. I started Cleenland because I’m not perfect and I want it to be easier to waste less. My favorite activity is hanging out and now I get to do it full-time. Come chit-chat, have a sip of coffee, listen to some tunes, and grab the stuff you need.